Maria Tucci

Female | IT

Maria Tucci is an American actress. She was nominated for the Tony Award for Best Featured Actress in a Play in 1967 for her performance in The Rose Tattoo. She played Koula in the 2015 mini-series The Slap.


To Die For

as Angela Maretto

... 1995


Maria Tucci

Date of Birth:

June 19, 1941



Biography of

Maria Tucci

Maria Tucci is an American actress. She was nominated for the Tony Award for Best Featured Actress in a Play in 1967 for her performance in The Rose Tattoo. She played Koula in the 2015 mini-series The Slap.

Videos & Photos of

Maria Tucci

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Photos (0)

Filmography of

Maria Tucci

Found 1 movie in total

To Die For

as Angela Maretto

... 1995