Tanya Christiansen

Female | US

Tanya Christiansen is an actor originally from TN. She began her acting career on stage at a very early age doing local theater. Her passion turned into a profession once she graduated from the University of Tennessee.


A Dangerous Affair

as Barbara Gershwin

... 2022


Tanya Christiansen

Date of Birth:

June 20, 1980


United States

Biography of

Tanya Christiansen

Tanya Christiansen is an actor originally from TN. She began her acting career on stage at a very early age doing local theater. Her passion turned into a profession once she graduated from the University of Tennessee.

Videos & Photos of

Tanya Christiansen

Videos (0)

Photos (0)

Filmography of

Tanya Christiansen

Found 1 movie in total

A Dangerous Affair

as Barbara Gershwin

... 2022