Frank Collison

Male | US

Frank's first "role" was a six month old "theatre mascot" at a tent theatre in Granville, Ohio. His father, John, was an actor and playwright and his mother, Peg, directed him in a number of plays while he was growing up in Virginia and Ohio. As a young boy, Frank assisted his father when he toured with his one man Abraham Lincoln show. His father...<...


The Village

as Victor

... 2004


Frank Collison

Date of Birth:

February 14, 1950


United States

Biography of

Frank Collison

Frank's first "role" was a six month old "theatre mascot" at a tent theatre in Granville, Ohio. His father, John, was an actor and playwright and his mother, Peg, directed him in a number of plays while he was growing up in Virginia and Ohio. As a young boy, Frank assisted his father when he toured with his one man Abraham Lincoln show. His father...

Videos & Photos of

Frank Collison

Videos (0)

Photos (0)

Filmography of

Frank Collison

Found 1 movie in total

The Village

as Victor

... 2004