Sarah Polley

Female | CA

Sarah Polley is an actress and director renowned in her native Canada for her political activism. Blessed with an extremely expressive face that enables directors to minimize dialog due to her uncanny ability to suggest a character's thoughts, Polley has become a favorite of critics for her sensitive portraits of wounded and conflicted young women.


... 2004

... 2003


Sarah Polley

Date of Birth:

January 8, 1979



Biography of

Sarah Polley

Sarah Polley is an actress and director renowned in her native Canada for her political activism. Blessed with an extremely expressive face that enables directors to minimize dialog due to her uncanny ability to suggest a character's thoughts, Polley has become a favorite of critics for her sensitive portraits of wounded and conflicted young women.

Videos & Photos of

Sarah Polley

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Filmography of

Sarah Polley

Found 2 movies in total

... 2004

... 2003