Usha Chavan

Female | IN

Usha Chavan is an Indian actress working mainly in Marathi movies. She has also had roles in Telugu movies such as Durdabitta, and in the Hindi film Shirdi Ke Sai Baba. She has done many films with actor Dada Kondke and the duo was well liked n appreciated by the audience



Usha Chavan

Date of Birth:

October 17, 1955



Biography of

Usha Chavan

Usha Chavan is an Indian actress working mainly in Marathi movies. She has also had roles in Telugu movies such as Durdabitta, and in the Hindi film Shirdi Ke Sai Baba. She has done many films with actor Dada Kondke and the duo was well liked n appreciated by the audience

Videos & Photos of

Usha Chavan

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Filmography of

Usha Chavan

Found 1 movie in total