Spike Jonze

Male | US

Spike Jonze (born Adam Spiegel; October 22, 1969) is an American director, producer and actor, whose work includes music videos, commercials, film and television. He is best known for his collaborations with writer Charlie Kaufman, which include the 1999 film Being John Malkovich and the 2002 film Adaptation., and for his work as director of the 2009 film Where the Wild Thin...


Three Kings

as Rockville, Maryland

... 2000


Spike Jonze

Date of Birth:

October 22, 1969


United States

Biography of

Spike Jonze

Spike Jonze (born Adam Spiegel; October 22, 1969) is an American director, producer and actor, whose work includes music videos, commercials, film and television. He is best known for his collaborations with writer Charlie Kaufman, which include the 1999 film Being John Malkovich and the 2002 film Adaptation., and for his work as director of the 2009 film Where the Wild Things Are. He was also a co-creator and executive producer of MTV's Jackass. He is currently the creative director of VBS.tv. He is also part owner of skateboard company Girl Skateboards with riders Rick Howard and Mike Carroll…

Videos & Photos of

Spike Jonze

Videos (0)

Photos (0)

Filmography of

Spike Jonze

Found 2 movies in total

Three Kings

as Rockville, Maryland

... 2000