Ellie Cornell

Female | US

Ellie Cornell (born December 15, 1963) is an American actress and movie producer, known primarily for her roles in horror films. After her marriage to producer Mark Gottwald, she is sometimes credited as Ellie Gottwald.


Dead Reckoning

as Jennifer Crane

... 2020


Ellie Cornell

Date of Birth:

December 15, 1963


United States

Biography of

Ellie Cornell

Ellie Cornell (born December 15, 1963) is an American actress and movie producer, known primarily for her roles in horror films. After her marriage to producer Mark Gottwald, she is sometimes credited as Ellie Gottwald.

Videos & Photos of

Ellie Cornell

Videos (0)

Photos (0)

Filmography of

Ellie Cornell

Found 1 movie in total

Dead Reckoning

as Jennifer Crane

... 2020