Nadira Babbar

Female | IN

Nadira Babbar is an Indian theatre actress, director and an actress in Hindi cinema, who is the recipient of Sangeet Natak Akademi Award in 2001. Nadira founded a Mumbai-based theatre group called Ekjute, a known name in Hindi theatre in 1981.


... 2004


Nadira Babbar

Date of Birth:

January 20, 1948



Biography of

Nadira Babbar

Nadira Babbar is an Indian theatre actress, director and an actress in Hindi cinema, who is the recipient of Sangeet Natak Akademi Award in 2001. Nadira founded a Mumbai-based theatre group called Ekjute, a known name in Hindi theatre in 1981.

Videos & Photos of

Nadira Babbar

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Filmography of

Nadira Babbar

Found 1 movie in total

... 2004