Asawari Joshi

Female | IN

Asawari Joshi is an Indian actress. She has acted in many Marathi language films and serials. She is known for her role in the Hindi TV series, Office Office. She has acted as Lovely Kapoor in Om Shanti Om, a movie which starred Shahrukh Khan.


Pyaar Zindagi Hai

as Geeta 'Salma'

... 2001


Asawari Joshi

Date of Birth:

May 6, 1965



Biography of

Asawari Joshi

Asawari Joshi is an Indian actress. She has acted in many Marathi language films and serials. She is known for her role in the Hindi TV series, Office Office. She has acted as Lovely Kapoor in Om Shanti Om, a movie which starred Shahrukh Khan.

Videos & Photos of

Asawari Joshi

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Filmography of

Asawari Joshi

Found 1 movie in total

Pyaar Zindagi Hai

as Geeta 'Salma'

... 2001