Cassi Davis

Female | US

Cassandra "Cassi" Davis Patton is an American actress and singer who is best known for her role as Ella Payne on Tyler Perry's House of Payne and its spin-off series The Paynes. She has also starred in several other productions under the direction of Tyler Perry.



Cassi Davis

Date of Birth:

July 30, 1964


United States

Biography of

Cassi Davis

Cassandra "Cassi" Davis Patton is an American actress and singer who is best known for her role as Ella Payne on Tyler Perry's House of Payne and its spin-off series The Paynes. She has also starred in several other productions under the direction of Tyler Perry.

Videos & Photos of

Cassi Davis

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Filmography of

Cassi Davis

Found 2 movies in total