Barry Manilow

Male | US

Barry Manilow is an American singer-songwriter, arranger, musician, producer and actor, with a career that has spanned more than 50 years. His hit recordings include "Could It Be Magic", "Mandy", "I Write the Songs", "Can't Smile Without You" and "Copacabana".


Sound City

as Himself

... 2013


Barry Manilow

Date of Birth:

June 17, 1943


United States

Biography of

Barry Manilow

Barry Manilow is an American singer-songwriter, arranger, musician, producer and actor, with a career that has spanned more than 50 years. His hit recordings include "Could It Be Magic", "Mandy", "I Write the Songs", "Can't Smile Without You" and "Copacabana".

Videos & Photos of

Barry Manilow

Videos (0)

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Filmography of

Barry Manilow

Found 1 movie in total

Sound City

as Himself

... 2013