Jordan Ladd

Female | US


Jordan Elizabeth Ladd (born January 14, 1975) is an American actress. She began taking small film roles before landing her first high-profile role in Never Been Kissed (1999). Since then, Ladd has portrayed supporting as well as lead roles in films, including Cabin Fever (2002), Club Dread (2004), and Death Proof (2007). She has earned acclaim recently for h...


Air Collision

as Lindsay Bates

... 2012


Jordan Ladd

Date of Birth:

January 14, 1975


United States

Biography of

Jordan Ladd


Jordan Elizabeth Ladd (born January 14, 1975) is an American actress. She began taking small film roles before landing her first high-profile role in Never Been Kissed (1999). Since then, Ladd has portrayed supporting as well as lead roles in films, including Cabin Fever (2002), Club Dread (2004), and Death Proof (2007). She has earned acclaim recently for her lead role in the horror film Grace (2009).

Videos & Photos of

Jordan Ladd

Videos (0)

Photos (0)

Filmography of

Jordan Ladd

Found 1 movie in total

Air Collision

as Lindsay Bates

... 2012