Jermaine Crawford

Male | US

Jermaine Crawford is an actor best known for appearing on the HBO original series The Wire as Duquan "Dukie" Weems. He is a second cousin to fellow Wire castmember and actor Tristan Wilds. Crawford started performing at the age of three. His experience includes various professional projects. 


... 2012


Jermaine Crawford

Date of Birth:

October 28, 1992


United States

Biography of

Jermaine Crawford

Jermaine Crawford is an actor best known for appearing on the HBO original series The Wire as Duquan "Dukie" Weems. He is a second cousin to fellow Wire castmember and actor Tristan Wilds. Crawford started performing at the age of three. His experience includes various professional projects. 

Videos & Photos of

Jermaine Crawford

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Filmography of

Jermaine Crawford

Found 1 movie in total

... 2012