Justine Bateman

Female | US

Justine Tanya Bateman (born February 19, 1966) is an American actress, writer, and producer. She is best known for her regular role as Mallory Keaton on the sitcom Family Ties (from 1982 until 1989). She currently runs a production and consulting company, SECTION 5.


Deep Dark Canyon

as Cheryl Cavanaugh

... 2013


Justine Bateman

Date of Birth:

February 19, 1966


United States

Biography of

Justine Bateman

Justine Tanya Bateman (born February 19, 1966) is an American actress, writer, and producer. She is best known for her regular role as Mallory Keaton on the sitcom Family Ties (from 1982 until 1989). She currently runs a production and consulting company, SECTION 5.

Videos & Photos of

Justine Bateman

Videos (0)

Photos (0)

Filmography of

Justine Bateman

Found 1 movie in total

Deep Dark Canyon

as Cheryl Cavanaugh

... 2013