Seo Jun-young

Male | KR

Seo Jun Young (born Kim Sang Gu) is a South Korean actor. He is best known for his roles in award-winning indie "Bleak Night", period drama "Deep Rooted Tree", coming-of-age film "Eighteen", and comedy series "Super Daddy Yeol".


For the New Emperor

as Sin Hwang-je

... 2020


Seo Jun-young

Date of Birth:

April 24, 1987


South Korea

Biography of

Seo Jun-young

Seo Jun Young (born Kim Sang Gu) is a South Korean actor. He is best known for his roles in award-winning indie "Bleak Night", period drama "Deep Rooted Tree", coming-of-age film "Eighteen", and comedy series "Super Daddy Yeol".

Videos & Photos of

Seo Jun-young

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Filmography of

Seo Jun-young

Found 1 movie in total

For the New Emperor

as Sin Hwang-je

... 2020