Park Hoon-jung

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Park Hoon-jung is a South Korean film director and screenwriter. Park first attracted notice within the Korean film industry for writing the screenplays for Kim Jee-woon's I Saw the Devil and Ryoo Seung-wan's The Unjust. He made his debut as a director in 2011 with the period film The Showdown.



Park Hoon-jung

Date of Birth:

February 24, 1975


South Korea

Biography of

Park Hoon-jung

Park Hoon-jung is a South Korean film director and screenwriter. Park first attracted notice within the Korean film industry for writing the screenplays for Kim Jee-woon's I Saw the Devil and Ryoo Seung-wan's The Unjust. He made his debut as a director in 2011 with the period film The Showdown.

Videos & Photos of

Park Hoon-jung

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Filmography of

Park Hoon-jung

Found 2 movies in total